f Leadership Assessment | Adan Corporate

Leadership Assessment

Authentic performance measures

Leadership Assessment

We have over 25 years' experience assessing and developing the leadership of CEOs, Founders, Top Teams and whole organisations. Our unique methodology of Authentic Performance Measures for Leadership is grounded in the philosophy of Organic Leadership, aligned with human nature to maximise human potential and performance. We can test leaders to see how they perform under pressure by asking incisive and challenging questions as a Devil's Advocate and by deploying a military-style Red Team to see how they respond to a variety of scenarios.

Quantitative financial measures only account for 50% of a firm's market value. The other 50% is created by the intangibles, the strategy, business model, goodwill, relationships, brand, culture and, most importantly, the people. Amongst the most important of these, is leadership.

An investor's failure to properly assess the quality of leadership before making an investment can be a costly mistake. A founder or Top Team might be enthusiastic and inspiring, but do they have the capability to implement a business plan? They might be individually very intelligent and experienced, but do they have the relationships or team skills required to succeed?

In our experience, investors feel confident with quantitative analysis, but have much more room for improvement in their qualitative analysis of intangibles such as leadership. It's tempting to run a quick check based on track record, personal references and make a decision on gut feeling. With our Authentic Performance Measures of Leadership, investors can take a systematic and rigorous approach to assessing leadership capability.

Some companies offer tick box assessments and off-the-peg psychometrics designed in Ivory Towers which give the appearance of being scientific but we believe these have limited practical business value.

We find that the maximum power and potential is unleashed by discovering the Authentic Performance Measures for leadership (APMs) most suited to your particular business. APMs are a business transformation tool for continuous learning, feedback, quality improvement and adaptation. Leaders and investors find that APMs give them a unique granular transparency that enables accountability, risk management and effective performance management. The leaders and Top Teams being measured usually like APMs because, for once, they are measured according to what they actually do rather than something invented by an academic or someone that doesn't understand their business. Stakeholders like APMs because it measures what they value themselves. The only people who sometimes don't like APMs are political players because the authenticity and transparency reduces the scope for gaming the system and manipulation. APMs inform strategy, leadership and planning. APMs improve the information available to minimise risks and identify areas of good practice.

Leadership Assessment of CEOs, Founders, C-Suite Executives, Top Teams, Boards and a whole business can be for:
- Investor's decision making
- Assessing potential M&As, Partnerships or Joint Ventures
- Executive coaching
- Leadership development
- Performance enhancement
- Governance
- Recruitment

Benefits of APMs for Leadership
- Better informed decisions on investment, JVs, partnership and M&As.
- Identify the major problems and challenges facing the leadership
- Identify excellence and good practice
- Empower leaders to be the best they can be
- Clarify roles, responsibilities, authority and organisation
- A baseline for benchmarking
- Performance enhancement
- Continuous feedback, learning and quality improvement
- Transparency and accountability with granular detail on performance
- Measure alignment, morale, motivation, engagement & accountability
- Detect problems, threats, risks, conflicts and opportunities for improvement

Leadership Assessment

The Process

1. Preparation phase
- This can be adapted to individual leaders, top teams and whole businesses.
- Clearly understand the client's purpose and goals for the assessment.
- Ensure good access to leaders and stakeholders
- Each of the constituent parts are optional depending on the needs, timescale, access and budget of the client.

2. Identifying Authentic Performance Measures for Leadership
- We interview the client and a sample of stakeholders
- We ask powerful questions to discover exactly what constitutes excellent leadership in your particular context.
- We help you distill and improve your qualitative and quantitative criteria, questions and observations to authentically measure leaders' performance and evidence required to make decisions on investment, JVs, partnerships and M&As.
- We pilot the APMs to optimise their usefulness as an instrument

3. Assessment phase
- APMs can be measured through interviews, observations and surveys.
- Individual interviews and surveys
- 360-degree stakeholder interviews, observations and surveys
- Top team evaluation
- Observation of leaders and top team in action

4. Challenge phase
- One of the best ways to put leadership to the test is to place leaders under pressure, to see how they respond to challenges.
- We offer this as a Devil's Advocate, asking incisive and challenging questions
- We test the leadership's response to a variety of scenarios in the style of a military Red Team.
- For more details, see our page on our Devil's Advocate and Red Team service.

5. Feedback and Reports
- Individual leaders receive direct personal feedback on their assessment and we discuss options for development
- Line managers receive individual reports where appropriate
- Top Teams and business owners receive a report of the overall state of leadership
- Investors receive an assessment according to their needs
- If you choose to Implement the APMs, we will work with you to integrate them into your performance management and decision making system for maximum leverage.

6. Executive Coaching
- Having done an assessment, the obvious question is what can be done to improve the leadership?
- See our Leadership Development and Executive Coaching pages for more details.

Get in touch for a conversation to see how this might benefit your business.

Adan's executive coaches have decades of experience working at the executive level with leading organizations around the world. We have expertise in leadership, productivity, organizational change, team building, marketing, sales and motivation.

Our on-the-job experience coupled with extensive knowledge of the markets and functional areas enables us to deliver a variety of practical, high-impact presentations that engage, enlighten and entertain.

Featured Experts - Leadership Assessment

Senior multi-disciplinary corporate and finance professionals with diverse geographic, sector and transaction focuses
Raju Venkataraman
Raju brings 30+ years of rich C-suite experience from the Corporate world; most recently as CFO & Head of Strategy of Walt Disney Company for South East Asia. He has rich cross-cultural experience across the APAC region and has a special interest in Asian economies. Presently, Raju is powering on senior leaders to fulfil their potential and aspirations amidst change and disruption


Partner Executive Coaching & Strategy

Mike Kemball
Mike is a sales transformation expert with 30+ years as an accomplished interim Sales Director and Managing Director in 15+ organisations across Telecom, Technology and Industrial sectors in Europe, India, Africa and the Middle East. Client companies and subsidiaries managed were typically $10m - $300m in revenue with sales teams from 10 up to 250 people.


Partner Turnaround & Growth

Chennakeshav (Keshav) Adya
Chennakeshav (Keshav) is a seasoned business, marketing and technology executive with 20+ years of global corporate and entrepreneurial experience in building global companies from a concept and in leadership roles spanning M&A execution, deal origination, marketing, brand-building, market research and technology delivery.

(Keshav) Adya

Managing Partner Corporate Finance, M&A, Growth
Dubai & London

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